Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Daily Challenge Ahead! & Sunshine Cleaning

Since I've been done with the "A Photo a Day for 50 days Challenge" I decided to do another challenge that is similar. The challenge is for 15 day (possibly 30) & consist of me designing something & animating it for 1 second. I was planning to do this for a while ever since I was inspired by Steffen K's "30 Motion Tests in 30 Seconds". It's a good time to do it for myself since I've been trying to work on portfolio. I'm not sure if I could take the challenge on during weekends but I will see hot it goes the first couple of days. I'm first taking the time to get some inspiration for it following a strict design style so it all weaves in nicely when I'm finished & ready to edit it all together. I plan to use mostly After Effects & Maya all of it. With Maya I'm sure I'll be creating a lot of Dynamic Simulations.

Hopefully I can start in the next couple of days. I'll deff have to concentrate on this one more since it's a lot more time consuming.

You can Peep Steffen K's work:

On another note I got caught up with watching 'Sunshine Cleaning' on Netflix tonight. I've been meaning to watch this movie for sometime & couldn't settle for just watching half of it, so I had to finish it even though I had planned to work on some stuff.

The movie was pretty good. I may want to buy the DVD depending on if it has commentary.
This was my most favorite frame of the movie, wish I had it higher resolution. Maybe I should post a single frame of a movie that I like every time I finish one. Sounds like a good idea?

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