It's been, again, a bit since I've last posted anything. At least I'm back here with some awesome news, ha. Since the end of January I've been working with a small studio called Wendel based in Santa Monica. I was picked up for a 3D generalist position, mainly for animation/rigging, for a upcoming project for the company. The project was making two :45 second commercial for a video game headset company called Astro Gaming. I can't express enough how excited I was getting into this project. The two commercials consisted of two of there flagship headsets, the A40s & A30, building piece by piece starting from the inside parts of the headsets. Getting into the whole project was quite something & a bit overwhelming sometimes from all the technical difficulties but definitely that is pretty much any 3D projects for you. I worked with two other artist on both commercials, Ryan Smith & Philip Bowser, quite amazing artist I must say. It was definitely rewarding getting to seeing the final product. I can say I learned a lot & working with the Wendel team was quite awesome. Also a shout out to Lodewijk Vos for the awesome soundtrack!
Make sure to check out Astro Gaming's websites:
As well as Wendel's website:
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