Friday, May 6, 2011

Mario Desk

It's been a bit since I've posted something. I've been working on some modeling stuff with Cinema 4D & wanted to keep up with a constant theme so I chose Super Mario objects. I learned a whole lot about the different ways you can go about modeling stuff in Cinema 4D compared to Autodesk Maya. Of course the same techniques could be translated to Maya but Cinema 4D's shortcut modeling tool set that I used to model some of the objects seemed to be a bit more stable then Maya's.

I wanted the objects to be used in a quick project so I decided to just snap a quick photo & match the perspective in Cinema 4D & quickly composite the objects in the photo.
It dragged on a little longer then I anticipated, just cause the composting was a bit of a hassle. The objects weren't too "photo realistic" but that wasn't what I was aiming for completely. Overall I was happy with the results & learned some stuff to speed up my work flow for the next time I go about modeling & composite.

Mario Desk


  1. Looks awesome, the only thing that sticks out as weird is the pipes.

  2. Thanks man! Yeah definitely get what you mean by the pipes looking weird, was trying to make them work better with the composite but didn't seem to be working out so just left it as best as I could.
