Thursday, April 14, 2011

NES Controller!

Today I set out to finish up my GameCube model with adding a couple things to finish it up but then still had the urge to model some more. I already had the NES Controller in mind to model so I went straight to it. This time around though I wanted to do it cleaner & more organized. Since I didn't have the physical controller, I know such a crime to not have a NES system, I had to look up some details & get some high resolution images to paint my textures.

I started out modeling with Adobe Illustrator creating the paths then exporting it to Cinema 4D. I made sure to keep the hierarchy clean this time with naming & 'n what not.

I haven't touched the UV tools yet in Cinema 4D so I thought it to be perfect start out with this model to learn UV texturing, it was a simple model so it would be easy. I'm already really familiar with the concept of UV mapping, texturing, 'n what not with Maya, just didn't know my way around the buttons with the Cinema 4D.

The results went pretty well, just need to adjust the materials a bit to make it more of a plastic look but I wasn't too concentrated on that. Just wanted it to look presentable for the most part.

NES Controller Render 01

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Boole, Extrude Nurbs, & Cloner

I've been getting a little into some serious modeling with Cinema 4D the past couple of days. I was toying around with the different ways to model some objects & found out how efficient it was to use the boole, extrude nurbs, & cloner tool in Cinema 4D to model. So I finally sat down today to actually try to finish a model.

I picked none other then my awesome Nintendo Gamecube! I got some exact measurements off the net & started from there. I had to break out the ruler after awhile to figure out where some exact pieces were on the game cube. I was getting pretty siked on modeling it after an hour or so. I think I spent at least 5 hrs on the model not including my distractions & the render times.

I'm pretty happy with the results, here is the work in progress.
I added in a little render info while I was tweaking the colors & adding some glow in the orange in photoshop.

GameCube Render 01

Tuesday, April 5, 2011! & new reel '11

I finally got to wrapping up my reel '11 edit & getting up my website. I gotta add more to the website but it's up & I'm just happy it's up ha ha. Definitely I hate web design the most just cause of it's constant coding & if something isn't set up correctly then it doesn't work at all, ha. Anyways, I as well have to add more things to my reel but it's pretty much up to date. Just a couple of side projects that have been lingering that I have to get on.

Check it:

& Behold my reel 2011!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Glitch Effect

I've been working on another side project for my reel to spice it up, limiting to 5 seconds or so. The project is really intensive with the style of a corrupted video file effect. I've been using pretty much all in house after effects effects except one, which is separating the RBG channels. I could achieve the effect with out the plug-in but just makes it easier using it.

The original thing that spiced up this project was the tutorial "De-sync Expressions Tutorial by Sebastian" on I was playing around with the expression the tutorial explored but instead of using arrows I used 3D rings that rotated in 3D space rather then just it's position. The look of the 3D rings looked a bit sci-fi so I started to build elements & kept going with it.

Glitch Effect Project Screen Cap 01

Glitch Effect Project Screen Cap 02

De-sync Expressions Tutorial by Sebastian