Today I finally got to going to the monthly meet up at DMA/LA, this month was a bit of a change with the type of Digital Art that was discussed. They had a Luxology Modo modeler come in to show some of his workflow with modeling & textureing. The modeler himself, Jonathan Feldman, first used Autodesk Maya back in 1999, I believe he said, to do all his CIG business but then later found out about Luxology Modo in it's very first edition. He said after a week of trying out Modo he switched his whole work flow to it which surprised me a bit because I always thought Maya did a good job competing with other 3D packages with their modeling & texturing workflows. But I guess I'm not one to really have a say due to me not being a serious professional 3D modeler/texture artist.
What was more of a treat was the next speaker, which was Frank Guthrie. Frank is a storyboard artist that works at Nickelodeon working on Dora the Explorer & with his prior project The Anger Beavers. His work is absolutely amazing & he is quite a funny guy cracking a lot of jokes while presenting his workflows with Adobe Photoshop. With him being in the industry for such a long time he actually got to telling us that he was the one to introduce Photoshop & Wacom tablets to Nickelodeon workflow for animated shows. He really got into the importance of knowing big time savers, for example the "Actions" panel in Photoshop, HotKeys with any programs, Wacom Tablets, & Brushes in Photoshop. We got to see quite a bit of his work & even saw him sketch while his Q & A. I looked around for his work but didn't find anything other then what was on the flier for DMA/LA.
Definitely a good time going & inspiring to see Frank's work, seeing his sketches brought me back to the very basics of why I love animation/cartoons so much.
I also learned why sticky notes are sized the way they are, for 4:3.
& now since they have HD they are now 16:9.

When I was leaving the place where DMA/LA is I saw this parking lot that was being torn down.

I finally got to rendering some stuff in Cinema 4D while my adventure still continues with learning the program. Having lots & lots of fun with it & my Digital Tutors account is definitely paying off now, ha. This probably looks cheesy as hell but I think I'm getting somewhere with it. When I was in the editing process in Photoshop I was playing around with the colors & decided to make a hue adjustment animation GIF.
Getting more cheesy? I think yes, ha. It's so much easier setting up rendering in Cinema 4D compared to Autodesk Maya, bleh.