Today was pretty hot, kinda getting use to it by now.
I think i gotta switch to tanks rather then collared shirt, gotta sacrifice the flashy style for the summer look.
Day started, as always waking up at 7:30ish, feeling a bit lazy.
Worked on my Transformers title scene a bit on paper, still kinda scared to start working on it in Maya, but I'll make it work.
I attended my 12 o'clock class, 3D modeling/animation class, learned about more animated with graph editors and motion paths. All to confusing, glad I have my notes to refer back to.
Then came along my 3 o'clock class, film history. I thought it was going to be an alright class session, but then was let down terribly. We watched Citizen Kane, which is clammed to be best American film. I'm not sure what it was, but I did not enjoy the movie one bit. It was probably the fact that it was an old film, black & white, & not being modern. I do appreciate old films though, but this one was just horrible. As what I was scared of from the begging, which was falling asleep in class, was happening watching this boring film. Hopefully the upcoming films are not so bad in the class.
The drive home wasn't so bad, only about 30 or so minutes. I worked on my story board, scripts, & style sheets for my Digital Comp class. The topic of my 3 minute script is on "Piracy," which is totally hypocritical on my part, ha ha.
Watching Oceans 13
those sly thieves ;]